9:11 The class is about to take their last reading-Alice has a temp of 220 degrees F!!!
9: 06 Cndensation occurs when the warm moist air in the oven rises and collects on the cooler surface of the glass or saran wrap.
9:04 High Temp... 180 F.
9:00 Thank you for all the comments.! :DD. What i did was get a plastic black bag and tape it over. Hehehe. 182 Now. ALICE Rockss.
8:55: Amber's oven's got condensation.. Whooh!
8:53: as you look out on the feild of ovens there is trash blowing in sorts tumble weeds.
8:51:An eclipse is when somoene is standing over your oven where you cant get any sun.
8:50:Ive seen so many eclipses today.! Ehh Alice's oven is now 180.!! Yeeeess.!! Ooo And Reed is yelling random numbers.
8:45: cole is an eclipser!!!!!
8:45: Reed's oven tips over and he spazzes out.
8:44: Tiffany's chocolate melts everywhere!
8:43 Amber just tried to snipe her glasses back but failed epicly.
8:41: Reed is wearing Amber's neon green Rayban's
8:39: Were taking our second reading. Alice"s Oven is at 172!! Woooo
8:37: people r celebrating their first chocalte melting activityness going on
8:35: 1st temp check...Tiffany's oven got to 114 F

8:33 Someone tried to sneak a magnifying glass into their oven...illegal!
8:27 Reed is already at 130 degrees (F)8:38 Tom and Nick seem to like playing soccer.
8:25 Some students are already making improvements.
8:24 A few students seem to be having trouble with the wind starting to kick in.
8:17 Everyone has their solar ovens ready
8:14 Students are on the field (Pics coming soon!) There is one oven that is on wheels.
8:05 Mr. F is indrucing LIVE BLOGGING to the class.
8:02 Bell....
8:00 Mr. F. is wearing Blu-Blockers for the Solar Oven Cookout 2009
7:59 One student is going to try and make Ramen in their Solar Oven
7:58 Students are entering the room asking about the sky conditions!
Pretty amazing that you are able to reach such a high temp.
DELICIOUS! What qualities do the ovens have that are reaching such high temps? Melted chocolate...DELICIOUS!
thanks for leaving comments! Mirrors seem to be doing the best job. There is one oven that is slowly destroying itself. The plexiglass is melting and the apparently it is also doing damage to a pencil.
ahh mirrors. Mad reflecting capabilities. Tell Friesen that achieving condensation on your oven should = extra credit. Oh...save the pencil.
I'd like to put in my lunch order: I'd like a burger, medium-well. Can I have some fries with that as well? Thanks.
Hey...it's about lunch time...bring me some goodies. Ms. C
If solar power is so effective and fabulous for the environment why has it taken America so long to invest in solar energy?
What is the air velocity of an African swallow?... Sorry, wrong reference. What time of the day are the ovens heating the fastest so far?
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